Norbit's audience management feature allows you to tailor which rewards and competitions (inc push notifications) are seen by different customer segments, enabling you to target more relevant content.
To create a Customer Segment follow the below steps:
Go to the Members tab on the left menu bar
Select 'Target Segment' along the top row of tabs
Click 'Create' on the top right corner
Name your segment
Fill in details- description, criteria for the segment (e.g. points balance, gender, age range, sign up time, login method, last access, shopping details, email address, rewards, competitions or profile completion.)
Click 'Create' in the bottom right to create the customer segment
The newly created segments will now appear in messages, rewards and competitions, providing you with the option to specify and target any future rewards or competitions to these segments.
To create a reward/competition or message for a specific customer segment follow the below steps:
In the admin click 'Rewards' on the left menu bar
Click 'Create' on the top right corner
Name your reward
Select your target segment from the drop-down list under 'Target Segment(s)'
Click 'Create'
By doing the above, the Reward/Competition/Message will only be displayed to customers who are in the newly created segment.