Norbit's Members feature allows you to view and manage different customer member information, as well as their interaction with the app. Here you can view the Members List, Target Segments and Membership Settings. The Members tab enables you to interact with your customers in a tailored way.
To manage your customer database, go to the Members tab on the left menu bar.
In the Member's List tab at the top of the page, you will be able to view all of the members that have signed up. This includes Serviceable, Unverified, Blocked and All (a combined list) of members.
In all of these tabs (Serviceable, Unverified, Blocked and All) you will find the members name, email and points balance.
Unverified Account
To view an Unverified Account, select Unverified in the tab underneath the search bar. From here you can manually verify the Members Account, resend the Verification Email, or delete the unverified account. You can complete these actions on the right-hand side of the screen, next to the individual members.
Downloading Members Details
You can download the individual customer's details by clicking the button displayed here:
In this download, you will be able to see an individual members transaction history. This includes dates, times, value (of points obtained or used), action (where/ how they obtained these points), email, first and last name, postcode, gender and age.
Contact Members
If you need to contact a member individually, to inform them of a competition win or to notify them of suspicious behaviour, you can do so via the messages button in the Members tab. You can view this via the screenshot below:
Once you have clicked the Message button in the Members tab, you will need to fill out the detail of this message. These will be 'Title' and 'Messages. You can also select whether to send a Push Notification or Message and choose the time of your message. This is either immediately, or a scheduled message.
Manually edit Members Details
If you need to edit the details of individual members via the edit button. You can view this button in the screenshot below:
You can edit details, including contact details, date of birth and gender here. You can also increase and decrease their points in this tab here. You may need to edit their points if the points didn't upload correctly or the user forgot to scan (and has presented you with a receipt), or they have been shown to have fraudulently obtained points.
Managing Customer Accounts
If a member needs to reset their password, ensure to click the button below. From here, you will be able to send a member an email to reset their password. Also in this tab, you will be able to block a member. This may be necessary if a customer has been committing fraudulent behaviour etc.
If for any reason, a member needs to delete their account and they can't find the location themselves, you can delete their email from the button below.
Target Segments
You can view your Target Segments by clicking the Target Segments tab at the top of the screen. If you're looking for information to leverage your customer segmentation data, you can view so here.
Blocked Accounts
You can view your Blocked Accounts underneath the search bar in the Members List tab. If you're looking for information regarding Blocked Accounts, view here.